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General Knowledge MCQ - Hindi

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0.76μm の O2-A 帯の測定から導出する. GOSAT のミッションは変動の大きい下部対流圏 CO2 観. 測であるため,太陽光が地表面で反射した光を観測する方. 法が適する.第2図に示すように,短波長赤外波長は地表. 面からの反射とともに,大気分子による 

C 2000 The Concrete Products and Aggregate Co.,Ltd. 198 19.5 “√ «∫ ÿ¡ ÿ≥¿“æ ≥ Àπ૬ߓπ àÕ √â“ß «—µ∂ÿª√– ß å Considering each item of the competencies, it was found that nurses evaluated themselves at a good to very good level in all items except one whereas the directors/ head nurses evaluated the nurses at a moderate to very good level.

This world largest jade buddha was visiting Adelaide between 3 Oct - 17 Oct 2009. "The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace is the largest Buddha carved from gemstone quality jade. Its size and beauty make it a wonder of the world. The world 

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